As the author of Fake Patient Reviews, I know that fake reviews are a big problem in the online review world. It affects every industry. […]
In September, Google implemented a change that completely shifted the way its crawlers interact with the review rich snippets that used to help get reviews […]
At RepCheckup, we frequently discuss consumer trends and how much of an impact online reviews can have on a business. This week, we spoke to a few regular, everyday customers to find out how they really feel about online reviews.
Everyone knows about the golden rule, but, as a business owner, do you know how you can apply that to your online review responses? Make sure you’re keeping things positive, even if you’ve been left with a negative review. Learn more about the golden rule and negative online reviews in today’s blog.
“If it doesn’t make money, it doesn’t make sense.” Bouncing off this old saying, RepCheckup author, Jeff Quinn, discusses how online reviews can add value to your business all without costing you extra. Learn about how you can use online reviews to your advantage in today’s blog.
We love talking about reputation management, but how much does it really affect real, local businesses? Since we’re based in Buffalo, NY, we had a chat with local pizza shop owner, Jeff of Casa di Pizza, to talk about how online reviews come into play. Hear directly from a local business owner how reputation management can affect the daily activities of a business.
No one likes someone who judges silently without taking any action. So why are you being “that” person to your own business? Make sure you’re being more than just a silent critic and make sure you’re responding to all the online reviews your customers are leaving for your business.
Online reviews are useful for a lot of reasons, but one of the most valuable kick backs you get from online reviews is insight. Find out how online reviews can help you improve your own business and improve your client’s perspective on the value you add. If you want to take away a little something extra from online reviews, make sure you read today’s blog.