Posted On
January 18, 2018

How Businesses Can Stay Ahead of the Facebook Newsfeed Update

How Businesses Can Stay Ahead of the Facebook Newsfeed Update 1

On January 11th, Mark Zuckerberg dropped a bomb on marketers, revealing that Facebook had taken the decision to change the news feed.

The overall idea was the posts you see in your newsfeed will be more geared towards friends & family and not business & media pages. According to Zuck, “The first changes you’ll see will be in News Feed, where you can expect to see more from your friends, family and groups.”

With that the hearts of marketers everywhere sank. Zuck had made it Facebook official. They dislike business and news postings, which you’re going to see even less of in your newsfeed going forward.

What does this mean for your Facebook efforts?

What should you be doing now to ensure you don’t see a large drop in engagement?

Here’s 3 tips below you’ll like more than a picture of your friends new baby.

How Businesses Can Stay Ahead of the Facebook Newsfeed Update 2

Take Advantage of Facebook Paid Ads

Not once does Zuckerberg’s post mention paid ads from businesses or news outlets getting a thumbs down. I highly doubt they will turn away ad dollars from those businesses willing to pay. Go ahead and boost your quality posts. You will see engagement.

Turn Likes into Connections on Facebook

Make sure you’re interacting with people who show interest in your posts. If someone likes something or shares your post, don’t hesitate to send a quick thank you through Facebook messenger. This will show the person that there is someone managing the account and keeping up-to-date with it.

Especially with a sponsored ad you put up, turn those interactions in to likes! With a sponsored post, you’re going to have interaction with people who don’t already follow you page. Make sure you turn that interaction in to someone who will “like” your business page. Then, you can interact with them in other ways beyond a sponsored post!

Instagram! Instagram! Instagram!

How Businesses Can Stay Ahead of the Facebook Newsfeed Update 3
Make sure you’re putting an emphasis on growing your Instagram account in 2018. I believe this is going to push Instagram even farther up the ladder of top social platforms.

If you’re not familiar with Instagram, take some time out of your day to explore it. Get an account set up, toy with different features, and interact with different posts. There is a market out there for business pages and it is only growing. Get ahead of the curve on this one!

Produce Valuable, Quality Content

As long as you’re producing content that is valuable to your users, you shouldn’t see a huge loss in engagement. Zuckerberg wants to make sure people are interacting with each other in a positive way. Produce quality thought-provoking content posts and you’ll see more interaction and growth on social platforms.
If you have questions about the updates to facebook or any social media outlets please reach out or leave comments below. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have. Happy content creating!!

How Businesses Can Stay Ahead of the Facebook Newsfeed Update 4

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