It can be difficult to tell the difference between a real and fake review on your profile. However, knowing some basic red flags that can tip you off to a fake reviewer could help your case as you try and have that review removed from your profile. Read more about what you need to know to spot a fake review from a mile away.
Healthgrades is one of the most popular medical review sites used by doctors and patients alike. Getting a negative review on your Healthgrades profile is a frustrating experience that can cause quite a bit of stress if you aren’t sure how to handle the situation. Here’s what you can do to try and get a negative Healthgrades review remoted.
If you’ve done some medical research online, chances are you’ve come across Healthgrades one way or another. As a provider, you want to make sure that your professional profile on Healthgrades is complete and enticing to potential patients who are doing their research. Here’s how you can increase the number of your Healthgrades reviews.
Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, used by millions of people each day. More and more users are interacting with businesses through Facebook as well, meaning savvy business owners should be working on getting good reviews left on their Facebook profile just like other professional platforms.
Lawyers know that their reputation is everything – so that’s why a negative review on their Avvo profile can be such a frustrating experience. Find out what you need to know about potentially getting a negative Avvo review removed and the steps you can take toward righting your reputation online.
Do you know about Avvo, the professional platform aimed specifically at lawyers? Like many professional platforms and profiles, Avvo aims to give lawyers a place to display their information and connect with clients. Reviews, of course, are a big part of your profile – learn how you can get more reviews on your Avvo profile in today’s blog.
With over 8 million visitors each year, Avvo is one of the most popular professional platforms aimed at connecting lawyers with individuals looking for legal aid. Learn how to set up your Avvo account, or claim one if your profile has already been generated, with this step-by-step guide.
There’s a lot that goes into online reviews that happens before anyone would ever see it posted online. Understanding their buyer’s journey is key. Learn more about the steps customers and patients alike go through in their journey toward posting a good online review.