Posted On
September 6, 2019

How to Ask for Yelp Reviews

How to Ask for Yelp Reviews 1

Yelp is one of the most widely trusted review platforms out there. If you search for almost anything on Google, chances are a Yelp page will come up with more information for you. Whether Yelp is compiling a list of the “Top 10 Restaurants” in your area or if they’re connecting you with a service provider, this website is invaluable as a customer.

Which is exactly why businesses should be focusing their energy on enhancing their Yelp profiles and getting more reviews. Before you jump into this process, you should keep in mind that Yelp doesn’t actually want businesses to ask for reviews. In the past, certain businesses have offered incentives that generated positive reviews falsely. When you do ask for reviews, make sure you keep in mind that Yelp may catch on and filter these reviews.

How You can Best Ask for More Yelp reviews:

  1. Claim and Enhance Your Profile
  2. Ask Customers In-Person
  3. Advertise Your Yelp Profile In-Store
  4. Text and Email Your Customers
  5. Use an Online Review Management Tool

Here’s what goes into each step: 

1. Claim and Enhance Your Profile

First, make sure you’re starting off on the right foot. You will want to claim and enhance your Yelp profile with the right information and new photos so that your profile can stand out amongst your competition.

2. Ask Customers In-Person

If you want more reviews on your Yelp profile, start off by asking your customers when they’re in your location. By making a personal connection with each customer, your team will be able to feel comfortable asking for a review.

First, you should work with your team to help them understand how important getting new reviews on Yelp is. Then, you can brainstorm different methods of asking customers so that everyone is on the same page when it comes to the ask.

When you ask a customer for a review personally, just make sure you’re directing them to a specific profile for their review!

3. Advertise Your Yelp Profile In-Store

A popular way to get more reviews on Yelp is to actually display advertisements for your profile. For many, a sticker on the front door that says “Find Us On Yelp!” is enough.

Other businesses may display a Yelp sticker or placard that says something like “Ted’s Donuts Rated 5 Stars on Yelp!”

Displaying the fact that you want reviews on Yelp can be a great way to remind customers that you’d appreciate their feedback.

4. Text and Email Your Customers

If you want a new review on Yelp, why not reach your customers on a device that lets them leave their review right away? Texting and emailing your customers with a request for a review is a great way to get quick results.

Make sure you’re saving your customer’s information, like their first name and phone number or email address. This will allow you to manually message each individual customers or send out messages in bulk.

Simply create a friendly message thanking them for their visit and ask them to leave a review about their experience. You can link directly to your Yelp profile to make sure that you’ll get the review on the right profile.

5. Use an Online Review Management Tool

If you’re someone who enjoys efficiency, using an online review management tool can help you request reviews from dozens of clients at a time.

These tools are designed to help you monitor your business’s most important profiles. And that includes Yelp!

You will be able to see when new reviews come in and respond to them right away. More importantly, you can use these tools to send messages en masse. You could even upload a spreadsheet with customer information and send hundreds of review requests with just a few clicks.

Anything that you can do to get more reviews on Yelp is a step in the right direction. Try combining a few of these options to get the best results!

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Garrett Smith
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