Negative Reviews Aren’t All That Negative
Negative Reviews Aren’t All That Negative.
Many businesses avoid online reviews for fear of a customer leaving a negative review. I see it every day in my work here at RepCheckup. It’s a valid concern, but one that I passionately urge business to disregard completely. Let me me explain…
I want you to think like your customer for just a minute. Would you rather see one-hundred five-star reviews or a mix of three-to-five star reviews and even one-to-two star reviews with responses from the business?
I understand it’s hard to think of a negative review as a positive thing, but I hope to change your mind a little bit.
First, Is a 3 Star Review Really Negative?
A 3 or 4 star rating is still good in my book! Especially if the business is responding and explaining their side of the story. If you have some type of reputation management software, you’re able to be alerted when you have a new review out on the web. Embrace the mediocre reviews just as much as the 5 stars!
Negative Reviews Add Authenticity!
A 100 five star reviews sure looks rosy. A profile with all 5-star reviews looks suspicious and throws up a red flag for me.
It usually means two things you’re only asking certain customers or you’re not asking at all. But does a customer think it’s authentic? Probably not. No one is that great.
A customer wants to see an authentic snapshot of your business when researching online. What they want to know is that you will stand behind your work. A negative review gives you the opportunity to do just that.
Remember, the reality is that most customer understand you’re not perfect, and that things happen. They just want to be heard!
A Negative Review Is a Good Gut Check
Sometimes, the reality is that customer is right and you didn’t deliver on your promises. When you get that negative review from an unhappy customer, it reminds you to be on top of your game 110% of the time.
When you receive this feedback it’s a good time to check into your people and process. What does it look like from the customers perspective to purchase from your company? Evaluating and adjusting this every so often is great for your business. Thanks negative review!
Is That Negative Review Really from Your Customer?
With the rise of fake online reviews you need to be aware and monitoring your brand. These fake reviews could be a tactic from a competitor looking to steal customers from you. Once you’re able to show this review didn’t come from an actual customer there are ways to have it removed.
Embrace the Negative Reviews
Negative reviews don’t need to be something you’re afraid they need to be something used constructively. You can start to understand if there needs to be a procedural change in your business, a new service added or possibly remove a toxic employee. In the end the number one goal is to keep improving and making your business the best it can be. One way to start with that is to constantly be asking for customer feedback, reading the feedback and reacting properly!
I highly suggest you sign up for the free trial (no strings attached). Start improving your online reputation today!